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World War 1 Timeline

June 1914
Archduke Francis Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary is assassinated in Sarajevo by a Serb.
July 1914
Serbia is given a 48 hour ultimatum by Austria-Hungary.
Serbia rejected Austria-Hungary's ultimatum and and declare war on each other.
Russia begins mobilization.
August 1914
Germany mobilizes and declares war against Russia.
Germany declares war against war against France
Great Britain declares war against Germany
Germany invades Belgium.
British troops arrive in France
France invades Alsace.
Russia invades Galicia.
French forces are defeated at Chaleroi.
The Battle of Mons forces a Allied general to retreat.
Hindenburg and Lundendorff take command of German forces in East Prussia.
The Battle of Tannenberg begins. 
The British are driven back at the Battle of Le Cateau.
French forces fall back to the Aisne-Reims-Verdun line.
September 1914
The Germans reach the Marne.
The Battle of the Marne begins.
The Battle of Marne ends in a Germans retreat
The Germans drive Russian First Army into Poland.
October 1914
The Germans take Antwarp.
The first Battle of Ypres begins.
The race to the sea ends.
The battle line in the west is stabilized.
November 1914
Russia declares war against Turkey.
British forces land in Mesopotamia.
December 1914 
A German naval Squadron is destroyed off the Falkland Islands.
After 3 tries Austria is forced back out of Serbia.
The British proclaim a protectorate over Egypt.
January 1915
A french drive is repulsed in the Battle of Soissons.
February 1915
The Germans declare the waters around Great Britain a war zone.
The British begin a naval attack to force the Dardanelles.
March 1915
A limited success is achieved by the British in the Battle of Neuve -Chapple.
The British naval attack on the Dardanelles fails.
April 1915
The Germans introduce poison gas in the Second Battle of Ypres.
British trooops land on the Gallipoli Peninsula.
May 1915
The first of two Austro-German offensives in Gailicia begins.
The Lusitiania sunk.
The Second Battle of Artois begins.
Italy enters the war with the Allies.
June 1915
The German offensive in the Argonne begins.
The Italians launch the first battle of Isonzo.
July 1915
German Southwest Africa surrenders to British forces.
In the Dardanelles, the British make a third attack on Cape Hells.
August 1915     
The Germans enter Warsaw.
The Russian retreat continues.
A general British attack on the Dardanelles is pinned down and finally fails .
September 1915
The Allies begins offensives at Loos and in the Champange.
The Russian retreat from Poland ends.
October 1915
Bulgaria joins the Central Powers to help defeating Serbia.
February 1916
The Battle of Verdun begins.
May 1916
Germany briefly suspends operations against merchant shipping.
The Battle of Jutland
July 1916
The Battle of the Somme begins and lasts into November.
August 1916
Hindenburg and Ludendorff take command of the German Army.
September 1916
In Salonika an Allied offensive begins.
The British introduce tanks in the Battle of the Somme       
November 1916
The Germans invade Rumania.
The Battle of Somme ends.
December 1916
A Rumanian counter attack against the Germans fail.
Nivelle succeeds Joffre as commander of the french army.
The Battle of Verdun ends after the French make gains.
Haig replaces French as commander of the B.E.F.
January 1917
The Germans suspend operations against Rumania.
Germany announces resumption of unrestricted naval warfare      
March 1917
The Russian revolt forces the abdication.
April 1917
The U.S. declares war against Germany.
As a result of the failure of the Nivelle Offensive French troops mutiny. 
  July 1917
The Russians' Brusilov Offensive makes momentary gains in Galicia.
The first American troops arrive in France.
The Third Battle of Ypres begins, lasting untill November 6th.

October 1917
The Battle of Caporetto opens and the Italians are routed.
November 1917
The Bolsheviks take over the Russian Goverment.
The Allies form the supreme war council.
December 1917
The Allies occupy all of German East Africa.
Russia withdraws from the war.
The British capture Jerusalem.
January 1918
The peace conference opens up in Paris.
June 1918
Treaty of Versailles.